Short Description: DanzArTe-Emotional Wellbeing Technology is a novel protocol and multimodal system for the interactive embodied experience of visual art and real-time interactive sonification displays, supporting full-body physical activity and cognitive exercise of memory training in both frail users (e.g. residents of care homes) and general users (e.g., enhanced embodied active experience of artworks in museum visitors). DanzArTe has been partially funded by Compagnia di San Paolo CWlab.
Short Description: ARIAL Workshop has held in conjunction with the International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM-22).
Short Description: Combining science, technology and art for a new approach to innovation. Keyword: LANGUAGE
Short Description: Creating socially just Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) for the inclusion of all people is critical for the future of humanity, and the sustainability of the planet.
Short Description: Exploitation meeting on the collaboration between project Partners for future joint experiments.
Short Description: The EnTimeMent Markerless Motion Capture Campaign consists of a 2-week series of feasibility studies and experiments investigating the recent innovative mocap technology by Qualisys and the novel techniques for movement analysis and prediction developed by the EnTimeMent Consortium. The showcase event presents the results from this 2-week "markerless motion capture campaign".
Short Description: Webinar: La mappa delle fragilità al tempo del CoViD.
Short Description: Public event hosted by Qualisys and targeting researchers and other interested persons that are active in the areas related to the EnTimeMent project, including but not limited to cognitive neurosciences, human movement sciences, computational sciences, machine learning, HCI, social robotics, music, and dance research.
Short Description: The dynamic aspects of living with disability, life transitions, including ageing, psychological distress, long-term conditions such as chronic pain and new conditions such as long-COVID affect people’s abilities. Interactions with this diversity of embodiments can be enriched, empowered and augmented through using multisensory and cross-sensory modalities to create more inclusive technologies and experiences.
Short Description: Webinar "Robots on the stage": Fostering interdisciplinary convergences between robotics and theatre.
Short Description: EnTimeMent project presented during "S+T+ARTS TALKS IN GENOVA 2020", a two-days streaming event for the Festival of Science held in Genova from October 22nd to November the 1st.
Short Description: Prof. Antonio Camurri, coordinator of the EnTimeMent project and Prof. Nadia Berthouze, from UCLIC unit of University College of London (UCL) presented EnTimeMent project and first results at the MusicTechFest (MTF) Labs Aveiro.
Short Description: On our Youtube channel have a look at "TimesRegained", our video contribution for the FutureTech Week 2020 (see our contribution at http://www.fetfx.eu/news/entimement-new-video-timesregained/), that present high-risk and long-term research projects for innovative future technologies.
Short Description: International workshop aiming at stimulating submissions on novel computational models and systems for the automated detection, measurement, and prediction of movement qualities.
Short Description: Scientific meeting on the collaboration between UNIGE and EuroMov on joint experiments on individual and group motor signature, and multitime models of expressive movement.
Short Description: Interview: "Improving human movement analysis" with Antonio Camurri, published in the Digital Single Market Newsroom of the European Commission website.
Short Description: Seminar by Benoit Bardy on EuroMov research in EnTimeMent, organised by the French Institute of Culture, part of the series of events in the national festival Monde Machine et Monde Vivant - Hommage à Léonard.
Short Description: Workshop Combining science, technology and art for a new approach to innovation, organized by EU ICT STARTS and by the EU FET PROACTIVE Project EnTimeMent. the workshop included presentations and demos from EnTimeMent by Luciano fadiga (IIT), Beatrice de Gelder (UM), Antonio Camurri, Andrea Cera and Cora Gasparotti (UNIGE).
Short Description: Video interviews for the: "Future Tech Week 2019" of the European Commission, powered by EIC (Enhanced European Innovation Council).
Short Description: Automated recognition, measure and prediction of qualities of human movement for industry, sport, rehabilitation, and active experience of cultural heritage content
Short Description: Scientific meeting of all partners and third parties: updates on research activities, preparation and planning of next project public events (A Tempo! and EU STARTS workshops).
Short Description: Human life is full of joint actions, ranging from a handshake to the performance of a symphony.
Short Description: The seminar focuses on Daniele Ghisi's work "An Experiment with Time”, an installation (a 46 minutes loop inspired by John W. Dunne’s essay “An Experiment With Time”) for video and electronics, and a “live” event for amplified ensemble, video and electronics.
Short Description: This workshop, part of Eurographics and co-sponsored by EnTimeMent, presented research results on creation, processing, and interaction with expressive content.
Short Description: A series of motion-capture recording sessions held at Casa Paganini on May-August 2019. The objective is twofold: (i) to investigate novel experimental setups, and (ii) to collect movement data on expressive movement qualities to prepare the demos at the "A Tempo!" and "STARTS" events at the EU FET Week and the Festival della Scienza.
Short Description: Discussion meeting on theoretical and research Project challenges.
Short Description: The seminar is part of the preparatory activities for the design of scientific experiments on analysis and movement quality prediction of small groups (joint actions), foreseen in the EnTimeMent project.
Short Description: The seminar presents the past projects Julien Bloit have been involved in, focusing on the architecture for various sonification related projects.
Short Description: The Kick-off meeting was the first occasion for the consortium members to meet and get to know better each other and, more specifically, to share visions, objectives, and research guidelines and methodologies in a perspective of the joint research activities planned in the project.