Short Description: The seminar presents the past projects Julien Bloit have been involved in, focusing on the architecture for various sonification related projects.
Date: 22 January 2019
Location: Casa Paganini - InfoMus, DIBRIS, University of Genoa
Long Description: Further, practical examples of methods and techniques for the real-time processing of audio features are presented, deriving a common core toolset for research and production. The goal is to provide an introduction to techniques and software platforms for possible adoption in the EU H2020 FET PROACTIVE EnTimeMent project. Bio: As a software engineer and scientist, Julien Bloit is driven by his background as a musician to apply new media technology to innovative practices in the field of performing arts and interactive experience. His scientific background includes temporal sequence modeling, phoneme recognition, audio feature extraction, model selection, and causal inference. He developed several music software and technologies adopted in artistic projects and institutions, including Ircam (Centre Pompidou, Paris).