Short Description: Public event hosted by Qualisys and targeting researchers and other interested persons that are active in the areas related to the EnTimeMent project, including but not limited to cognitive neurosciences, human movement sciences, computational sciences, machine learning, HCI, social robotics, music, and dance research.
Date: 5 and 19 May 2021
Location: online webinar
Long Description: The workshop consists of 4 sessions:
- May 5, Wednesday
- 10:00-11:45 (CET) Session I: Goals and foundations of the EnTimeMent project
- 14:00-16:30 (CET) Session II: Designing time – Temporal scales in interaction design
Keynote: “Media Interaction Design and Creativity Support,” by Joseph Malloch
- May 19, Wednesday
- 10:00-12:30 (CET) Session III: Grasping time - Capturing, understanding and modeling temporal scales in human perception and action
Keynote: “Robot systems that act, interact and collaborate,” by Danica Kragic Jensfelt
- 14:00-15:30 (CET) Session IV: Markerless motion capture and machine learning There will be the possibility for group discussions and one-to-one networking for all attendees in the breaks and after the end of the official schedule on both days.
Presentations links...
Read more at: qualisys.com/events/entimement-workshop/