Short Description: International workshop aiming at stimulating submissions on novel computational models and systems for the automated detection, measurement, and prediction of movement qualities.
Date: 25-29 October 2020
Location: Utrecht, the Netherlands
Long Description: Reckoning with mutually interactive time scales characterizing human behavior is now a major multidisciplinary challenge for qualitative analysis of human movement, entrainment and prediction .Innovative scientifically-grounded and time-adaptive technologies operating at multiple time scales in a multi-layered approach are a promising direction for multimodal interfaces.
This workshop aims at stimulating submissions on novel computational models and systems for the automated detection, measurement, and prediction of movement qualities from behavioural signals, based on multi-layer parallel processes at non-linearly stratified temporal dimensions.
Furthermore, the workshop invites contributions towards novel technologies for human movement analysis, going beyond the well-known motion capture paradigm . Future motion capture and movement analysis systems will be endowed with a completely new functionality, achieving a novel generation of time-aware multisensory motion perception and prediction systems.
Contributions from computational models, multimodal systems, experiments on the above mentioned core topics, as well as application scenarios,including e.g., healing, therapy and rehabilitation, entertainment,performing arts (music, dance) and active experience of multimedia cultural content, are welcome.
The workshop is partially supported by the EU-H2020-FET Proactive Project GA824160 EnTimeMent. For this, the workshop will build on the results of the first year of EnTimeMent, while also being open to new perspectives and experiences.
Read the Call for Papers here...
For more info: visit the ACM ICMI 2020 Workshop web site.