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Community-building objectives:

-   Objective 8: Building a novel scientific interdisciplinary community leading the transformation of the current generation of motion capture systems into a novel generation of time-aware motion perception and prediction systems. Disciplines include computer science and engineering, human movement and sport sciences, biomechanics, neuroscience, cognitive science, psychology, performing arts. Computer science can contribute to ground conceptual models on strong quantitative evidence; this interdisciplinary framework will contribute to ground computational methods on stronger theoretical bases. EnTimeMent will strengthen interactions between these research areas by means of cross-disciplinary collaborations and public community-building initiatives (e.g., in existing as well as new conferences, workshops, scientific contests) aiming at identifying common research challenges and at addressing them through a shared research methodology.

-   Objective 9: Building an interdisciplinary community of scientists and technologists around the core concept of EnTimeMent, that is, technologies that foster time-aware motion perception and prediction systems at individual as well as group levels, by involving key stakeholders such as startup incubators and innovation hubs. Such a community will cover and address, on the one hand, a natural but strongly innovative evolution of the motion capture and movement analysis research area dealing with adaptive and predictive interfaces, and, on the other hand, will be transversal with respect to technologies used in other areas, for example, affective computing, sport technologies, therapy and rehabilitation, IoT, domotics, gaming, and entertainment.

-   Objective 10: Building a community of stakeholders, including companies and SMEs, interested in the concept of time-aware movement perception and prediction technologies and willing to bring such technologies into their services or products (e.g., companies willing to deploy innovative technological solutions for the EnTimeMent application scenarios). Such a community would enable the project to reach a concrete societal and economic impact. The building community actions will include public initiatives (e.g. hackathons, contests, users workshops) aiming at attracting, engaging and integrating the diverse types of stakeholders including incubation ecosystems for SMEs, for a rich exchange and convergence of the project with external stakeholders.

The success of the project with respect to the objectives listed above will be assessed through studies involving selected user communities exposed to the project enabling technologies in the selected scenarios. Assessment will concern the effectiveness of the technology-supported activities. To this aim, a detailed collection of success measures will be identified and defined. Incubators and innovation hubs for ICT SMEs and stakeholders in the fields of disability and sports technologies (e.g. (www.disabilityinnovation.com/content/projects-and-activities and www.wylab.net/) will be active members of the Stakeholder Panel and will play active roles in co-organizing community-building initiative; two major hospitals will support concretely the experimentation of the healing and chronic pain scenarios in everyday life, providing access to real user populations within a careful management of ethical issues.



EnTimeMent project objectives...

EnTimeMent project objectives description...


EnTimeMent measurable objectives can be summarised as follows:

EnTimeMent project scientific objectives...

EnTimeMent project technological objectives...

EnTimeMent project community-building objectives...

EnTimeMent project scenarios...